
In times of energy transition towards a more sustainable and greener future, innovative energy storage solutions are increasingly in focus. With a new inverter technology, we give used and leftover car batteries from electric or hybrid vehicles a second life: in our innovative energy storage for industry and commerce.

Storing energy with used batteries

A 20-foot container complements Otto Bischof Lagerhaus AG’s operations building in neighboring Switzerland (Sennwald). The container stores energy: to be precise, it offers a storage capacity of around 1.6 MWh.

The purpose of the industrial storage facility is to optimize self-consumption. The energy is stored with second-life modules from the automotive industry. This makes it the first commercialized second-life energy storage system on the market.

Project details:

→ Storage size: 1,569 kWh

→ Storage size [usable]: 1,255 kWh

→ Extension: Approx. 523 kWh in the same container

→ Battery provider: Mercedes Benz

→ Location: Sennwald, Switzerland

→ Monitoring: Cell voltage, cell temperature, current and passive balancing

→ Purpose: Self-consumption optimization

→ Degree of autarky: ~2 days
Bischof Lagerhaus AG is a subsidiary of Bischof Lebensmittellogistik in Feldkirch, located in Sennwald, Switzerland. In 2012, the 54,000 m2 site became a fully automated multi-temperature center and distribution platform for Switzerland. In total, it serves as a warehouse for 10,000 frozen pallet spaces and 12,000 multi-temperature pallet spaces (fresh & dry storage).

Optimizing self-consumption

The goal is to optimize the own electricity consumption with an energy storage system. The electricity is additionally produced by a photovoltaic system which, after an expansion, will provide more than 1,800 kWp for electricity production. A 20-foot container with automatic cooling is available for storage. The container contains 12 racks with a total of 144 modules. Another rack is used for the control system and electronics. Each individual battery module is equipped with an inverter and a battery management system. All modules thus function independently and can be replaced individually in the event of a failure without interfering with the overall system. The storage system can be expanded with two more systems and thus be equipped with an additional 0.5 MWh. In addition, the system will be expanded in the future to include the emergency power function, so that in the event of a power failure, it will be possible to fall back on the energy supply from the storage unit.

All-in-one system

The container is equipped with the individual modules on site at e.battery systems. The container is delivered fully equipped with battery modules. On-site in Sennwald, the electricity storage system is positioned and electrically installed.

The system is based on a 67.5 kW inverter. Additional power can be added by expanding the system with additional modules and containers.

The storage of the future

Energy storage or better known as Energy Storage Systems are the future of efficient energy storage and energy supply. Basically, the system is simple and quickly explained. Energy can be stored via the power grid or through alternative power sources such as electricity from photovoltaics to be used again as needed.

But why do we want to store energy? We can generate grid-independent power supply through energy storage and thus also fall back on this energy in the event of an outage. In addition, we can optimize our own energy consumption through so-called peak load capping.

The complete control and verification of energy consumption, energy sources and energy storage system simply works through our energy management system.
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