Das Projekt in Schlins, Vorarlberg, integriert ein Kleinwasserkraftwerk mit einem 260 kWh Stand Alone-Batteriespeicher zur effizienten Deckung von Lastspitzen und Sicherstellung der Energieversorgung im Gewerbepark, selbst bei Ausfall oder Wartung des Wasserkraftwerks.
Powering a new generation of logistics technology with an ambitious battery system upgrade.
The "Sonnenhaus 2.0" in Göfis, Vorarlberg, combines a photovoltaic system with a 260 kWh battery storage to optimize self-consumption and maximize independence from external energy sources in a sustainable private building.
The project in Schlins, Vorarlberg, integrates a small hydropower plant with a 260 kWh standalone battery storage system to efficiently cover peak loads and ensure energy supply in the business park, even during hydropower plant outages or maintenance.
Energy Storage System with Second-Life Batteries! An innovative solution for sustainable energy efficiency.